Building Cloudflared agent from source for mips64 architecture

Dipak Parmar
2 min readSep 25, 2023

Are you trying to set up Cloudflared on your mips64 OS router, such as the UniFi Edge Router?

Unfortunately, Currently, Cloudflare does not provide a binary for mips64 architecture. However, you can still build and install the Cloudflared agent from the source. This guide will walk you through the steps to build and install Cloudflared on your mips64 router. Let’s get started!git


  • Go 1.20 or later
  • Git (optional, if you want to clone the repository)
  • SSH access to your router
  • Cloudflare account with a zone configured
  • Token from Cloudflare Tunnel page


Replace [router_username], [router_ip], and [token-from-cloudflare] with your actual values.

1. Clone the Cloudflared repository:

git clone

2. Change to the cloned directory:

cd cloudflared

3. Build the binary for mips64 architecture:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips64 go build



Dipak Parmar

A passionate DevOps Engineer and Cyber Security enthusiast From Kamloops, BC 🇨🇦