How to Downgrade from Apple Developer Beta update to Public Stable version?
Nov 6, 2020
Some of you were so curious or like a big fan of apple, don’t know, but you installed the beta version and now stuck! 🥺 oooooof, I get that I did the same, and after checking out new features, I wanted to go back to the regular version. So, here I come with this article writing for you guys to make your apple devices life back to normal. 😉
Download the restore image 💾
You can download the latest restore images for a stable version from apple’s developer website.
(But you need to sign in, not sure this will work for non-devs 😅, so sorry for that!)
For tvOS:
- Download the latest publicly available version of tvOS, saving the file to your Mac’s desktop.
- Connect your Apple TV to your Mac using a USB-C cable.
- Launch Finder on your Mac.
- Select the Apple TV under Locations in Finder.
- Click Restore Apple TV while holding down the Option key.
- Select the tvOS file you downloaded.